Kyte, On Demand Car Supplier of San Francisco Raised $60M in Series B Funding

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Kyte, a San Francisco company which is in the business of delivering cars to the customers on their need for daily, weekly or monthly basis on rent raised a $60million funding in Series B Today. Kyte’s new funding round came in the end of year to give boost to the operations and marketing!

Kyte series 2 Funding november 2022

The organization plans to utilize the assets to significantly increase its ongoing armada and extend in new and existing business sectors around the world, while making new contributions for those searching for options in contrast to vehicle proprietorship. This 2022 year end funding round for KYTE will help them to make their roots more strong in its segment in 2023.

The round, which carries Kyte’s absolute subsidizing to roughly $300m across value and obligation, was driven by InterAlpen Accomplices, whose organizer, Stephen George – an early financial backer in Tesla and SpaceX – is joining Kyte’s Board. Courage Value Accomplices, Anthemis, Citi Adventures, and Hearst Adventures, and existing financial backers DN Capital in addition to 1984 Endeavors, FJ Labs, and Metropolitan Advancement Asset, partook in the round.

KYTE was founded in 2019 by Mr. Nikolaus Volk, Ludwig Schoenack, and Francesco Wiedemann. The company delivers cars on demand for all shorter trips & longer trips via the mobile app on iOS, Android, or website, customers can book a car for a day, multiple days, multiple weeks, months, or however long you want.

Kyte currently operate in more than 14 cities in SA, Kyte also has offices in Munich, Germany, and satellites across the globe. Kyte currently has around 100 people in company.

We wish all the best to the Kyte for their new round of funding in November 2022!

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