Find Here Trade Show Exhibits Design Ideas

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Finding a fair display design idea by transforming the brand into a larger-than-life event for attendees for demonstrating amazing exhibition designs is very important these days. Creative architecture, interactive elements, and bold graphic design styling for trade show exhibit are very crucial.

Trade Show Exhibits Design Ideas

Expostandzone brings preeminent suppliers together for providing a memorable and long-lasting experience

Display design ideas for trade show exhibit companies:

  • Create a soothing Atmosphere

Attending trade shows may be a lot of fun but many a times it’s hot, sweaty, and exhausting affair. Designing a trade fair booth more comfortable and “homey” by inviting the attendees to return in and relax helps in long-run. Trade booths that look comfortable to those passing by, gives it’s attendees a far better sense of how the company’s products work (and look) in long-run. It offers a perfect mixture of marketing and sales.

  • Be Eye-Catching

Trade show booth design that are eye-catching are a great example of stunning illustrations and products that sustain in long-run. By using bright colours and excellent usage of lighting, one can easily make the booth eye-catching. It’s always advisable to do your best to feature eye-catching elements to your fair kiosk design.

  • Fonts and Graphics:

In exhibitions, font and graphics are used at three key visual points for sending a transparent message to the viewer. Those three points are High Branding, Eye-level Branding, and Low-Level Branding. High Branding is where the name and logo of your company is placed and this makes it very easily visible to even distant viewers. Font and graphics are critical and to be done as per the organizer’s guidelines, principles and regulations for meeting the costing and budget.

  • Competition:Competing with the competition is a commonly used tactic at exhibitions and there’s always a mileage for innovative competitions at the stand. It’s better to join social media networks before the event, and encourage people to actively participate. Beforehand if prizes can be included as per the competition, helps a lot in gathering people.
  • Using a Pop-Up Tent

Pop-up tent is a definitive way for showcasing your booth design/ style across the fair world because it gives maximum leads. It helps Business Corporation attract unimaginative traffic and it makes quite easy for your kiosk to be found out from the crowd. Pop-up tents offer a more intimate environment than any other typical kiosk. Pop-up tents are employed by many brands for enticing visitors across the globe.


Simply, by focussing on the quality of exhibition footfall, trade show exhibit design, exhibition stand builders as well as custom exhibition stands, one can create notable connections and long-term relationships for the most credible customers. Expostandzone is an incredible platform for comparing and selecting right/ reliable suppliers for closing the best deal. Expostandzone connects the exhibitors to exhibition stand contractors UAE for upcoming exhibitions and trade shows across the globe. Our user friendly portal helps in connecting with the verified and genuine exhibition stand. Expostandzone has a list of exhibition booth suppliers who not only offer comprehensive designs, bright colours, perfect space, and graphics but provide long-term association and display design ideas. In case of any business requirement, write to us at!

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